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Brainsport Times Apr. 11, 2018

Here at Brainsport we're pretty pumped On has selected us as one of only a handful of retail stores across the world to help launch their latest innovation in running shoes - the Cloud Edge! On April 19 you'll have the opportunity to be among the first to get your hands on this highly-anticipated shoe. In this week's Q&A we're getting the scoop on the Cloud Edge from On's National Director of Sales, Chris Bilick. Let's get right to it!  Q&A with Chris Bilick Tara: On is a fairly new company on the running scene here in Canada. For those who aren't familiar with the company would you mind talking a bit about what makes it a unique company? Chris: On is a Swiss company which has taken a new approach to running shoes. Engineering a unique cushioning system (Cloudtec) which addresses not only the vertical impact of running but also the horizontal force that...

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Brainsport Times Oct. 04, 2017

We're thrilled to be partnering with New Balance Canada to help out Child of the Cross Running Clinics. New Balance will be donating one brand new pair of running shoes to the program - which was founded by Brainsport Running Academy coach, Tarrant Cross Child - for every one pair of New Balance shoes bought at Brainsport through the end of this month!  These shoes will go to the kids Tarrant and his team work with through the Child of the Cross Running Clinics; and are sure to bring a smile and many, many miles into the lives of these children. To learn more about this initiative, and about Child of the Cross Running Clinics, we're speaking with Tarrant in this week's Q&A. Before we get to our conversation if you're interested in learning more about Tarrant's inspiring story of how running has helped him through his recovery from alcohol and gambling addiction,...

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Brainsport Times Aug, 30, 2017

It's back-to-school time, which means it's likely time to get the kiddos fitted with new shoes, and more! Brainsport has a vast selection of children's shoes, and knowledgeable staff to get the right fit. In addition to shoes, we also have more exciting new products in-store to make back-to-school shopping a bit easier whether you're a kid, parent, caretaker, or university student getting ready to hit the books again.In this week's Q&A we're speaking with Brainsport Manager, Lisette Schermann to get the scoop on all things related to getting back to school.Q&A with Lisette SchermanTara: For our new readers who may not be familiar with the role you play at Brainsport, let's start by having you describe what you do and why you're the person to talk to when it comes to all-things product related?Lisette: I’m the General Manager and Buyer for Brainsport. I often get a chance to see the products we...

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